Sai Charan Adurthi

Lead Software Developer at Synchrony .

A computer science engineer with 5.8 years experience in application development, machine learning.
Fluent in Python and Java.
Enthusiastic about building innovative, intelligent data products.




• Leading technology front for internal analytics product, AMP. Consult with stakeholders, design and develop vertical solutions / automate - fraud, acquisition business processes and deploy as a use case on AMP product.
• Designed, Built a unique user dashboard view for all analytics reports in place to reduce the time spent by business users in navigating through multiple reports.

November 2021 - Present

Senior Analyst


• Built a Fraud strategy developer assistant using flask, celery, rabbitMQ, and SAS to pull data for a specific period of time and generate rules using machine learning.
• Lead backend and data engineering for internal analytics platform AMP. Lead, implemented product integrations with Protegrity for data security, IBM ACM for fraud investigation case filing.
• Worked as a consultant with stakeholders on credit, merchant fraud detection analytics areas to innovate and revamp legacy processes with automation and ML.

September 2019 - October 2021

Senior Systems Engineer


• Creating synthetic data using data mining and machine learning algorithms and data lineage with pattern mining problems
• Architected and developed backend for a web-based machine learning platform, developed machine learning, data analysis, data visualization as reusable use cases with Python - Django, Spark, Angular, Java - Spring in the technology stack

August 2018 - September 2019

Systems Engineer


• Reduced the manual effort for TDM teams in masking sensitive customer data to 40% by creating a sensitive data identification model using Natural Language Processing combined with Machine Learning
• Worked with large banking clients to develop machine learning solutions to problems like credit risk, credit stage leveraging open source technologies like caret in R, Scipy, Scikit-Learn in Python

August 2016 - August 2018


Udacity (School of Artificial Intelligence)

Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree
Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning
July 2017 - October 2018

Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
Computer Science and Engineering


August 2012 - June 2016


Programming Languages & Tools

Machine Learning

Computer Science


Bank Marketing Predictive Analytics

Increase the campaign effectiveness by identifying significant characteristics that affect the success (such as, the deposit subscribed by the client) based on a handful of algorithms

Dog Breed Classifier

Given an image of a dog, my algorithm will identify an estimate of the canine’s breed

Teach a Quadcopter how to fly

Design an agent that can fly a quadcopter, and then trained it using reinforcement learning algorithms

Customer Segments

Best describe the variation in the different types of customers that a wholesale distributor interacts with.

Predicting Housing Prices

Built an optimal machine learning model to estimate the best selling price for a house in the Boston metropolitan area based on a statistical analysis of the historical data

Finding Donors

Evaluate and optimize several different supervised learners to determine which algorithm will provide the highest donation yield while also reducing the total number of letters being sent to ask for donations

Awards & Certifications

  • Awarded MVP, Most Valuable Professional for Q3, FY-2018
  • Infosys (IVS) Awards for Excellence - Tech Wizard
  • Infosys Insta Award for outstanding performance